Homemade Mini Corn Dogs

Mmmmmmm…I love corndogs. Unfortunately, my hubby does not, which means buying a family pack of this delicious goodness is out of the question.

So, I figured I’d break out my Babycakes cupcake maker and whip up my own personal batch! Not to mention, they’re alot healthier than your usual fried version!

What you’ll need:

  • Cupcake maker (or you can just use a regular muffin pan…works great too!)
  • Corn muffin mix
  • Hotdogs
  • Ketchup and mustard =)

Prepare the corn muffin mix as directed on package and cut up your hotdogs into bite-size pieces. Pour a bit of the batter into your muffin pan or cupcake maker, about half way. Drop in a piece of hotdog and then cover with more batter.

A side note here: Add more hotdogs if you’d like. I think next time I make these I’ll make my hotdog pieces bigger.

 Mine baked up in about 9 minutes in the cuppycake maker so just keep an eye on them!


Linking up at:

Keeping it Simple

Baked in the South

Sugar Bee Crafts

Easy Peasy Guatemalan Tostadas

Sunday’s are always a bit hard on my tummy. It’s not that I’m going through anything stressful or upsetting, it’s just that by around 2:30 pm I am STARVING… that’s right, not just hungry, I am famished!

We are part of an amazing church here in Mexico city and our service usually lasts from about 11:30 ish until 3:45 pm. So, I try to prepare for this by eating a nice breakfast (bagel with loads of cream cheese and some cherries today). But by 12:30 I am super hungry!!! What is wrong with me?!?

Anywho, so on our way home Lenny and I brainstormed about what to make for dindin and by the time we pulled into our parking space we had come up with a delicious and quick meal of Guatemalan tostadas with 3 different toppings: black beans, tomato sauce, and our quick style version of shrimp ceviche (not an authentic ceviche since we cooked it but hey, it works).

Since we didn’t have any tostadas on hand, we just popped some corn tortillas in the oven for a few minutes. Easy and a lot better than frying them!

What I used:

  • Corn Tortillas or tostadas
  • Refried black beans
  • Tomato sauce
  • Shrimp
  • Lemon
  • Tomato
  • Onion
  • Parmesan cheese (t0 sprinkle on the tostadas)

What I did:

First, I popped the tortillas in the oven to get them nice and crunchy.

While those were warming up, we chopped up some onions and tomatoes.


We divided up the onions into two saucepans with some oil, sautéed them a bit then added the tomato sauce and beans and heated them through.

Next up was the shrimp. After cleaning and chopping them up we threw them in a saucepan and seasoned with some salt and red pepper flakes. I loooove shrimp because it cooks up so fast!

Once the shrimp was done we added the tomatoes, lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste.


Lenny plated it all up (isn’t it super nice?!) and we sat down to a deeeeee-licious dinner! =)